Meet the 2012 Council!

Name: Nate Fox
Position: President
Major: Course 2
Affiliation: Chi Phi
Residence: Chi Phi

I absolutely adore MIT, and feel honored to serve the awesome MIT class of 2012. Most of my time at MIT is spent either psetting late into the night on Course 2 classes, working with a friend to get our toy on the market, working out, class council stuff and just hanging out with friends. As a proud brother of Chi Phi, I live in my fraternity's house across the river in Boston. My "hobbies" include video games and stand-up comedy.

Name: Hannah Sparkman
Position: Vice President
Major: Course 18
Affiliation: Alpha Phi
Residence: Alpha Phi

Bear Grylls is my hero and I wish to be like him one day. I am also a firm believer that Comic Sans will be the cause of the apocalypse. Possibly Papyrus. Oh, I'm also course 18 and I'm on the sailing team. Woooo.

Name: David Zhu
Position: Treasurer
Major: Course 2
Affiliation: Zeta Beta Tau
Residence: Zeta Beta Tau

Hi, I'm David, your Class Treasurer. You probably didn't even know this position existed, but it's my job to decide how much to spend on free food for you (amongst other things...) :D

Name: Christine Chen
Position: Secretary
Major: Course 6
Affiliation: N/A
Residence: McCormick Hall

Hi everyone! I'm Christine, and I'm really excited to be serving on the 2012 Class Council. I like cooking and hanging out with my friends. This year is gonna be a blast with some great events, and I look forward to seeing you all around! :)

Name: Anjali Muralidhar
Position: Co-Publicity Chair
Major: Course 6
Affiliation: Kappa Alpha Theta
Residence: Kappa Alpha Theta

Anjali is excited to be your co-publicity chair this year! She can't wait to plan great events for you and give you LOTS of free stuff. She absolutely loves watching tv, eating, sleeping, and, most of all, dancing. She is having a fabulous time at MIT and loves living so close to Boston! She loves smiling! YAY!

Name: Eliana Schleifer
Position: Co-Publicity Chair
Major: Course 14
Affiliation: Kappa Alpha Theta
Residence: Kappa Alpha Theta

Eliana Schleifer is from the Upper West Side of Manhattan. She loves 30 Rock, The Office and Mad Men. She is double majoring in Economics and Comparative Media Studies. Eliana loves discovering delicious new restaurants in Boston (she is open to any suggestions!), watching movies and just hanging out with friends. She is extremely excited to be serving as one of the 2012's Publicity Chairs and is looking forward to seeing all of you guys at our events!

Name: Jessica Hammond
Position: Co-Social Chair
Major: Course 22
Affiliation: Sigma Kappa
Residence: Sigma Kappa

Hi, I'm Jessica. I'm from Vermont and have more V-T pride than most people know what to do with it. At MIT, I'm course 22 and live in Sigma Kappa. In whatever spare time I have left after psets, I play/coach ice hockey, wear brightly colored dresses, and have random dance parties with my roommates. I'm also very friendly, and I would love to get to know more people, so please just say, "Hi!"

Name: Sid Saraswat
Position: Co-Social Chair
Major: Course 6
Affiliation: Chi Phi
Residence: Chi Phi

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